Montessori Toddler Bedroom

Bedroom Setup

Sharing about our Montessori toddler bedroom and what I’ve learned along the way. I’ll be sharing more details about how we have 3 year old Harper’s room set up, items we use, and so much more.

Harper’s bedroom setup has grown with her and previously it included a shelf with toys so she could wake up and play. I used an Ikea shelf and laid it down. I’ll share more about her space before 3 soon.

After our floor installation in the fall of 2021 (Harper was 2 years old at the time), I didn’t put the toy shelf back in and I think it helped the space feel more calming. This has helped with establishing bed time routines. Her options now are only books, which is in line with her current interests. If you’re looking for a visual bedtime routine guide you can use ours here. I made it on Canva and it follows what we at night. It’s been very helpful for a smooth bedtime transition.

For a full visual listing of current items you can check out the link below or continue to read for details on them. It has everything we use for our Montessori Toddler Bedroom.

Bed Frame

Harper’s floor bed frame is from Sprout. It’s a twin size and comes in two colors, white and birch. The frame can be flipped to convert from a floor bed to a raised bed as she grows older and is ready for an additional transition. Sprout has been a trusted brand in our household and they’re always working on making their current products better while also working on new bedframes, such as bunkbeds. I trust Sprout not just because of the quality of the product but also the safety. It’s made by parents for parents. Check them out by clicking here (code HARPS10).

I will say that the floor bed is what makes this room be a Montessori Toddler Bedroom. It focuses on access for the child and freedom within limits.

If the sound Sprout sounds familiar it’s because they also make our toddler tower we use. A full review on it can be found here.


Her mattress is 5 Little Monkeys. I wanted a spring-free mattress that had an organic cover, was reasonably priced, and was made for children. 5 Little Monkeys checked all the boxes along with being at a great price point. It came with a free toddler pillow and a free mattress cover, which was a big plus! I slept in it for the first 7 days because I wanted to make sure it was safe (first-time parent over here). The mattress was very comfortable and I had no issues with it.  The mattress is also sold online at Costco in case you’re a member. The price point was lower at Costco but they were sold out.


Originally I had purchased sheets from Pact (see more here and use code HARPS10 for 10% off). I love their organic sheets, however their sheets are only deep fitting and we don’t have a deep mattress, so I ended up buying organic ones from Target. We just have white sheets. One of my friends, OurPurposefulPlay, has sheets to match her toddler’s current interests and that helps him nap. That’s such a cute idea and it works for them!  


She has a low-body mirror I purchased from Target (linked here). She uses this to see her outfit when she’s getting dressed in the morning. The first time I installed it she was so excited to see the outfit she had picked out! The mirror is secured onto the wall with additional accessories to avoid any accidental falls.

Mirror Safety

At this age and based on my comfort level, I am not worried about a breakable mirror being in her room and this has worked for us, however keep in mind that having a breakable mirror in a toddler’s room is not always recommended. If you are unsure or have concerns, there are non-breakable mirrors available.

Floor Mat

This is the second floor mat I’ve tried in this room. The first one wasn’t of great quality and didn’t last long, however our current one has been amazing! Check it out here.


It has proven to be very sturdy and durable in our household leaving no signs of wear and tear even with a hyper miniature Australian shepherd running through. It’s waterproof and extremely easy to clean and wipe down.


It also provides a safe cushion in case of any falls. I highly recommend this mat because of all these traits, but also because it is reversible and provides two designs on each side, one that includes a train/car track which encourages pretend play for Harper. We have two in our home now, one for her bedroom and another for her playroom.  


Bigger bonus, the Roomba cleans over it without any issues.

Reading Shelf

Her current reading shelf in her room is from IKEA. I can’t find the exact one but here’s what we use in the living room too for her reading nook. It’s the perfect size to not overwhelm them with books but instead, just provide current favorites on her shelf.  If you do have a bigger room with more space you can also use the Sprout reading shelf in small.

Wall Paper

Lots of requests for her wall paper. It is from Home Depot and is linked here. I found it easy to apply as long as you don’t have to do it alone and have the right tools. It’s a beautiful design and will hopefully transfer for her as she gets older.


Curtains are blackout curtains from Target (linked here). When she was younger I would pin them up in case she tried to pull them down. Now at almost 3, that’s not an issue and we keep them extended all the way down. They are completely black out and I love it for those summer nights and naps.


The last big item is her closet! Harper’s room originally had a normal closet with sliding doors. The closet extended the entire wall length and didn’t give me enough space to store items and it wasn’t very functional. We tore down that wall and installed the IKEA closets. (check out this post on creating a closet from IKEA) Inside you can customize it as you may need. What makes them look so nice are the handles I bought from CB2. It truly gave it a glam look. In between the two closet systems we created a smaller closet space with shelves for Harper.

Toddler Closet Space

This was a board of wood we had and I added a rod. It was easy for us since we already had the space to build it out and the extra wood to use. She absolutely loves having this at her level and I love it because it allows her the ability to be independent with her morning routines. I will put items in there for her to pick from. Her bigger closet is more so “storage” for items she’s not using. If you’re looking for a functional closet for toddlers I suggest you check out Sprout’s toddler closet system here (code HARPS10). I don’t have any personal experience with it, but I have heard great things AND it’s from Sprout, so it has my stamp of approval.


Harper’s bedroom is “toddler” proof to her. This means that I’ve made changes as needed based on items that I found to be potentially dangerous or spark curiosity in her. Therefore, when in doubt, it’s best to child proof it. I don’t worry about her pulling on curtains so I no longer pin them up.  We also don’t have the wall outlets plugged up anymore. We did when she was younger but there hasn’t been a need since.

Ever Evolving Space

Any questions about her bedroom? This space was also made over a 2.5-year span, so don’t feel frustrated if your toddler space is not perfect right away. Your toddler’s space will be an ever changing environment, always adapting as needed, and every little change adds up. Harper didn’t have a nursery when she was born and it broke my heart when I was pregnant and saw all these picture-perfect nurseries online, but I’m happy the way it happened and I was able to truly dedicate myself to her toddler room.

This room is evolving too, next on the list is to add a plant for her. Stay tuned! I’ll pull up the paint color of her room if anyone is interested too! It took me forever to find a shade that went with the wall paper.  

Sprout-Kids Bedframe (code HARPS10)

5 Little Monkeys Toddler Mattress

PACT Organic Sheets (code HARPS10)

Sprout-Kids Wardrobe (code HARPS10

If you want a full listing of all her items you can always check out our LTK page linked below to find all the items easier!

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