My Montessori journey


My Background

Hi! I’m Veronica, I’m very excited to share about my Montessori journey. I am an Austin, Texas native and still live here! I absolutely love this city and how much it’s grown! I have a background in Accounting and Finance and worked in the corporate world until a year into motherhood.

My Motherhood, Montessori and Outdoor story

I came across Montessori during my maternity leave and quickly fell in love with it. I had no idea what kind of mom I wanted to be… I just knew I wanted to respect her and love her, but I had no idea how to do anything else.

I was the first of my close friends to have a child and there was no family nearby to help guide me. Montessori quickly became my passion and it taught me to trust myself and most importantly trust my child.

For the first year of her life, I balanced motherhood and learning about Montessori as much as possible. Due to the pandemic, we started to spend so much time outdoors and I started to realize the impact it was having on my daughter. I’ve always been an avid lover of the outdoors but spending time with my daughter outdoors taught me to truly slow down and see how beneficial it was.

Instagram and the HikingwithHarps Community

When Harper was 18 months, I created an Instagram page to share my story and meet other like-minded parents. I quickly realized how many parents felt the same way.

It was at that moment I decided I wanted to match my life with my passion for uniting parents and helping parents and children thrive in their homes and outdoors. If you’re looking for another way to meet other parents I’ve started V’s Book Finds (my book club!) which you can join and meet with me once a month via zoom just to chat and meet other parents!

I hope you find the community you need here with us! Thank you for being here and learning with us. I hope you found my Montessori journey helpful for you, what is your Montessori journey?